Tag Archives: Linux

Copy SSH public key to another server instructions

copy ssh public key


You need to have a public key. If you haven’t generated keys before use:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

copy ssh public key is very simple. there are some ways to achieve this:

Using ssh-copy-id (recommended)

ssh-copy-id user@host

with this very simple command you can copy your public key to any user@host combination

Using scp

scp .ssh/id_rsa.pub user@host2:.ssh/authorized_keys

cd ~/ before.

The different is that scp will create a new file called authorized_keys while ssh-copy-id will add to id.

WordPress SSL Encryption using Apache and mod_ssl


WordPress SSL Encryption has several options so you can encrypt just the Log-in page, the entire Admin area or the entire WordPress instance.
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SSH X11 Forwarding Display using MobaXterm on Windows


SSH X11 Forwarding Display is a tricky thing to establish on different Windows operating systems.
MobaXterm is a free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows Operating Systems which allows you to run native Linux Applications like they are running on your Windows.
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Tiny Core Linux Remote Desktop Kiosk



Tiny Core Linux is one of the smallest Linux distributions out there.
We will show you how to customize Tiny Core Linux Remote Desktop Kiosk so it will automatically launch a Remote Desktop client and set a Static IP address.
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configure apache

Apache VPS Optimization

Apache VPS Optimization – Memory Usage Tuning

I’ve recently had the need to optimize my VPS plan so it won’t consume that much memory.
The main culprit was Apache with more then a few processes using over 50MB.

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Load Balancing SSH Connections using Pen on CentOS Linux


Load Balancing SSH Connections using Pen, a load balancer for “simple” tcp based protocols such as http or smtp.
It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance.

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Load balancing Remote Desktop Services using Pen


Load balancing Remote Desktop Services using Pen, a load balancer for “simple” tcp based protocols such as http or smtp.
It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance.

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PuTTY Configuration Tips with SSH Connection


You can find here a few PuTTY Configuration Tips that will save you a lot of time using SSH.
PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application.

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Remote Desktop over SSH using PuTTY


Connecting to a SSH server as a gateway and not directly to a Remote Desktop PC is a safer way to connect and add another layer of encryption without losing performance,
this way you can connect to any client behind a firewall as long as you have port 22 open to your SSH server.
Using Windows Remote Desktop over SSH connection is a very simple task to perform using PuTTY.
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Remote Desktop over SSH using Tunnelier


Bitvise Tunnelier makes it easier to Use Windows Remote Desktop over SSH connection.
Connecting to a Secure Shell server as a gateway and not directly to a windows PC, is a safer way to connect and add another layer of encryption.
This way you can connect to any client behind a firewall as long as you have port 22 open to your SSH server.

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