Author Archives: Etay Cohen-Solal

About Etay Cohen-Solal

Development Specialist, Artist and Activist
Personal Website

Fix: WordPress 3.5 Update Mess-up system (JScript Issue)


Recent WordPress Update to Version 3.5 has made problem in many of our wordpress systems.
Options like: Widgets Drag & Drop, Add Media, Screen Options, Some options at TinyMCE such as Insert/Edit Link, Visual/Text and more not working anymore.

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Bulk Convertion of RAW Files to JPG/PNG using IrfanView




Download latest version (Version 4.35 for me),



Just <Next>..<Next> until the end..



Mass Convertion

Start IrfanView, it’s should look like this:


Press ‘B’ on your keyboard or Goto File > Batch Conversion/Rename


and this is what you should see:




  1. Make sure you are at Batch Convertion mode.
  2. Add your files. If the irfan browser doesn’t see your files (like in this example), just drag them from your explorer to the input files box.
  3. Set the Output Directory and Output format to: JPG (or whatever you desire).


Note: you can use the advanced options for further bulk options like resize, crop, etc.



Press now the ‘Start Batch’ button, and your files are bulk converted!





Using IrafnView you can Bulk (Mass) Convert your RAW files to any other file type (JPG/PNG/TIF/etc)

You can do a lot more using this amazing cool software! Recommended!



Deep Freeze + Windows Locked Loop: Change to thawed mode

deep freeze


So, You’re stuck in a loop?

If you using the evalution edition – it’s no problem! just change your date 30 days to the future and deep freeze will stop working.
If you using the full edition you need a different solution:

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SSH connection without password between two linux machines


How to establish SSH connection without password between two linux/unix machines

SSH connection without password between two linux machines


  1. Generate the files: [id_rsa], [] in the First Machine by typing at command (do not use a password – just hit Enter*) :

    * You don’t want to enter any passwords, because you want to call ssh from a within a shell script.
    ** The randomart is an easier way for humans to validate keys.
  2. Copy (and rename) to authorized_keys on Server (run from the same computer you run ssh-keygen);
    scp -r -P 22 /root/.ssh/ destination:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys<em>

    Where destination is server B.

Now you can connect as root without a password between the servers.

HTML Secrets – Web Application Architecture Design Tips


Whatever site or web application you’re working on, you probrably going to use HTML.

These are the tips I’ve learned over time:

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