Tag Archives: Remote Desktop

CentOS xrdp HowTo


xrdp is a free open-source remote desktop server for Linux.
Installing xrdp on CentOS might be a little tricky since CentOS repositories does not contain the xrdp package.
Even the EPEL repository (Extra Packages Enterprise Linux) only contains an old version of xrdp.
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OpenVPN ALS Adito SSL VPN Gateway on CentOS


OpenVPN ALS Adito SSL VPN Gateway is a web-based SSL-VPN server written in Java and it is completely free and open-source.
The installation on CentOS 6 Linux Operating System is fairly simple using the next few steps (we will use CentOS Minimal x86_64).
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SSH X11 Forwarding Display using MobaXterm on Windows


SSH X11 Forwarding Display is a tricky thing to establish on different Windows operating systems.
MobaXterm is a free Xserver and tabbed SSH client for Windows Operating Systems which allows you to run native Linux Applications like they are running on your Windows.
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