What is the best resolution for facebook images

what is the best resolution for facebook images

what is the best resolution for facebook images

what is the best resolution for facebook images ?

Using the recommended image size resolutions and aspect ratio (proportion) on your images when you upload to facebook, guarantees that users will see your images exactly as you intended – without crops and as large (and noticable) as possible.



The resolution for facebook Cover image is 851 Pixel on 315 pixels (851X315 pixels).
You can scale the image in proportion (for example:1702X630).



This will fit exactly the facebook cover:

Facebook Cover



Group Cover

For group cover in facebook, best resolution size is: 801X250.
You can scale the image in proportion (for example:1602X500).


Again, it will fit exactly in the group cover.

group example




what is the best resolution for facebook images

what is the best resolution for facebook images

When you upload a photo to facebook timeline, the best resolution would be with resolution of 359X399 pixels.
You can scale in proportion (for example:718X798 pixels).
This resolution is the maximum visible image size proportion on facebook timeline; other proportions will be cropped to fit either to the width (359) or the height (399).

This will shown in your friends/followers timeline as biggest as possible:



If you want to highlight the post – better use 843X404 aspect ratio.


Page’s profile

Page profile pictures are square and display at 160×160 pixels on your Page. The photo you upload must be at least 180×180 pixels. Rectangular images will be cropped to fit a square.


Quality Issues.

Facebook automatically resizing and formatting your photos. If you’d like to use more advanced techniques to make your photos look better, try these tips:

  • Resize your photo before you upload it.
  • If you use a 2048 px photo, make sure to select the High Quality option when you upload it.
  • To avoid compression when you upload your cover photo, make sure the file size is under 100 KB.
  • Save your image as a JPEG with an sRGB color profile.


Have fun.

Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth

Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth

indiana jones and the fountain of youth

indiana jones and the fountain of youth

“Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth is a freeware fan game project in a similar style to the 1992 classic Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. The game is in development and features brand new original art and animations in classic low-res style, a gripping story, advanced coding methods and original music. For Windows (XP, Vista, 7) PC.”

indiana jones and the fountain of youth

indiana jones and the fountain of youth

Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth – a fan made project that’s aimed towards the old-school gamers out there. simple point and click adventure like the style of the classic LucasArts game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

It feels like someone went back in time to the days of LucasArts game development and uncovered a never before made game. In development since 1999,




Download indiana jones and the fountain of youth demo at barnettcollege.com. (Direct link)



Check the Text walkthrough or if you prefer it on Youtube:


When the full game will be released?

“Fountain of Youth” began as a concept and script by Jocke Andersson circa 1999. The game is being constructed for FREE by a group of people who are fans of the Indiana Jones films, games and literature. On completion, FoY will be completely free to download and play.

Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth seems like one of those  projects that may have delayed for a while but when it comes out it’ll be more than worth the wait.

You can reach the team about recuirtment or general questions via goaskindiana@hotmail.co.uk. Stay updated in the community forum.

Check the game Facebook page.



Flash Animations (opens in new window) 2003 – 2004 – 2005 – 2006 – 2007
Mini-games (opens in new window) Passage of Saints – Temple of Spheres Wallpapers (opens in new window) “4 Corners” – 1024×768 – “Main Title” – 1024×768  


enjoy playing indiana jones and the fountain of youth.

Unreal Tournament 99 1920 HD resolutions


Unreal Tournament 99 is an old shooter games but it is still one of the best arena games ever produced.
The community mods and skins support makes it even more enjoyable for most of us.
The only issue is that the new HD and Wide resolutions are not supported in the configuration menu.
In this tutorial I will show you how to add support for these resolutions.
Continue reading

VMWare Workstation start on boot CentOS

VMWare Workstation start on boot CentOS

vmware workstation start on boot centos

If you are like me, using VMWare workstation on Linux (CentOS 6.4), and you want to start your virtual machines on boot, I have the answer.


  • CentOS 6.x. – although the vmrun command may be working in other distributions too.
  • VMWare Workstation 4.0+


 VMWare Workstation start on boot CentOS

VMWare Workstation start on boot CentOS


The Solution

Edit rc.local

add to the end of the following file:


the following:

vmrun -T ws start /path/to/machine.vmx nogui

create new line for each machine you want to start on boot.


that’s it! that how you run vmware workstation start on boot centos


That’s it.

Google Web Designer review – It’s the future?

Google Web Designer review

I’ve met today with the new Google Web Designer Beta – the new tool Google released for building adaptive, universally usable rich HTML based designes including ads.

The main purpose appears to be to provide a way to produce Adobe Flash-style animated in HTML5/CSS3 without using Flash.

“We think that Google Web Designer will be the key to making HTML5 accessible to people throughout the industry, getting us closer to the goal of ‘build once, run anywhere,’” Google engineer Sean Kranzberg posted

The Google Web Designer Youtube page is full of examples:


Google Web Designer

Starting Google Web Designer for the first time…


Google Web Designer is available as a free (as in beer) download for Windows PC and Mac OS X, so at this stage, it won’t run on Linux, or Chromebooks.

Google Web Designer loading

Google Web Designer loading

Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer main screen

Product review

You have several presets to start from. You can start by creating a new Ad banner, or HTML / CSS / JS / XML as you can see:



The UI is slick, and yet powerfull. You have great tools to work with creating your HTML file.

gwb-tools3D Object tools: You can move/rotate any object in 3D mode.

Text tool: You can write wherever you want in the document and not in HTML oriented direction (Position: absolute;)

Tag tool: Create blocks (DIV) of objects.

Pen tool: You can draw vectors. Just like Flash or Illustrator.

You can also find the Stroke tool and Fill tool as expected. also you can find the normal Zoom tool, Selection tool and Hand tool

One idea. Any screen.

Google Web Designer helps you create a responsive HTML. everything you create is accessible on any screen – desktop, tablet or mobile – without compatibility issues.

Amplify with code

If you’re feeling more hands-on, all the code behind your designs is hand-editable.

Two animation modes

In Quick mode, build your animations scene by scene and google web designer take care of the frames in between. In Advanced mode, animate individual elements using layers, easily changing the location of elements within the stack.

Full 3D authoring environment

Create and manipulate 3D content utilizing an array of tools and the power of CSS3. Rotate objects and even 2D designs along any axis, visualizing 3D transformations and translations as you author.




Although other Hacker News users reckon the code that GWD generates compares unfavorably to Microsoft FrontPage 2000. I found the code to be somehow fine, if inspected and modified manually. This tool is great for creating HTML parts (widgets) that are cross browser responsible (like ads, menu, carousel, etc.).

I still gonna play with Google Web Designer for sometime, but I must admit I was never the ‘HTML generator’ guy.. I don’t think that tools like that will take the job for the great HTML/CSS designers out there… How write their code using decent IDE.

It’s worth noting that projects like Adobe Muse/Dreamweaver, Reflow and others include most of Web Designer’s features, too. But by making Web Designer available for free, Google is putting quite a bit of pressure on the competitors.


That’s it. What do you think about Google Web Designer?

Django CentOS 6.4 installation instructions for noobs.

Django Centos 6.4 installation instructions for noobs.

So you want to build your first django centos 6.4 based web site? This is quite easy to install and configure. I’ll cover how to install Python/Django on your centos.

Django Centos


  • CentOS 6.4 (For the matter of fact, this tutuorial is good for all the CentOS 6.x series)
  • Apache (httpd)


What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Its syntax is said to be clear and expressive.” from Wikipedia.

Visit http://www.python.org/


What is Django?

“Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.” from https://www.djangoproject.com/

Installing Python


you may need the EPEL repositories for Centos.

cd /opt/
wget http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rm epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm -f
cd /opt/
wget http://mirrors.nl.eu.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rm epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm -f


Installation Process

Simple as:

yum install python
yum install python

test python by typing: “python” and you should see something similar to: (CTRL+D to exit)

At the time of writing (September 30 2013), the version of python@EPEL is 2.6.6

Django works with any Python version from 2.6.5 to 2.7. It also features experimental support for versions 3.2 and 3.3. All these versions of Python include a lightweight database called SQLite so you won’t need to set up a database just yet unless you need other SQL


Installing SQL

Django works with several DB engines. for simplicity, Install SQLite:

yum install sqlite

If you need other SQL Server else then SQLite,  you can follow:
MySQL/MongoDB/CouchDB on RHEL/Centos 6.3
If you don’t need SQL and you installed Python 2.5 or later, you can skip this step for now.





Installing Django

You can install using EPEL repositories any yum (like in the old article I wrote), but I recommend to use the easy_install method from the python-setuptools package, which I’ll show next:

yum install python-setuptools
easy_install django
yum install python-setuptools
easy_install django


Testing Django

Test Django by typing python on your command and then:

import django
print django.get_version()
import django
print django.get_version()


As you can see, the RPM version is version 1.5.4, while the current release in the EPEL version is 1.3.1. Internationalization: in template code is not available in 1.3.1 for example but only from Django 1.4



Creating Project

From the command, cd into a directory where you’d like to store your app, then run the following command:

django-admin.py startproject mysite
cd mysite
django-admin.py startproject mysite
cd mysite

 Note: if you are installing Django using EPEL repos, the command will be django-admin and not django-admin.py.

Starting Server

python manage.py runserver
python manage.py runserver

You’ve started the Django development server, a lightweight Web server – easier to startwithout having to deal with configuring a production server — such as Apache — until you’re ready for production.

Browse to with your Web browser. You’ll see a “Welcome to Django” page. It worked!

To change port:

python manage.py runserver 8080
python manage.py runserver 8080

If you need to start the server to answer not only locally, use:

python manage.py runserver
python manage.py runserver


Remember: Apache loads Django environment when starting and keep running it even when source is changed! I suggest you to use Django ‘runserver’ (which automatically restarts on source code changes) in development sessions, unless you need some Apache-specific features.


Configure more…

Config Database

Edit mysite/settings.py. It’s a normal Python module with module-level variables representing Django settings.

Help here.


Django using Apache

To run your Django application inside apache – use either mod_python or mod_wsgi, Support for mod_python will be deprecated in a future release of Django. If you are configuring a new deployment, you are strongly encouraged to consider using mod_wsgi or any of the other supported backends.


OPTION A: Install mod_python (NOT recommended)

For this to work, you must have apache installed and configured.

yum install mod_python
yum install mod_python

python using mod_python

you need to configure you apache/VirtualHost to:

    AddHandler mod_python .py
    PythonHandler mod_python.publisher | .py
    AddHandler mod_python .psp .psp_
    PythonHandler mod_python.psp | .psp .psp_
    PythonDebug On</pre>

<h3>Testing mod_python</h3>
Create a '<em>test.py'</em> file in your apache server. put inside:
[code lang="py"]<% req.write("Hello World!") %>[/code]

and browse to www.your.server/test.py and you should see the "Hello World!" there.
<h3>Django using mod_python</h3>
Edit your <tt>httpd.conf</tt> file:

[code lang="apache"]
<pre><Location "/mysite/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
    PythonOption django.root /mysite
    PythonDebug On

read more…



Option B: Install mod_wsgi (RECOMMENDED)

Deploying Django with Apache and mod_wsgi is the recommended way to get Django into production.

yum install mod_wsgi
yum install mod_wsgi


to use mod_wsgi, create an apache folder inside your project and create a django.wsgi file:

import os, sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'mysite.settings'

import django.core.handlers.wsgi

application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()


and configure your apache with:

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName www.example.com
ServerAlias www.example.com
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/django/mysite/apache/django.wsgi

# Alias /robots.txt /var/www/django/mysite/static/robots.txt
# Alias /favicon.ico /var/www/django/mysite/static/favicon.ico
Alias /static/admin/ /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/
Alias /static/ /var/www/django/mysite/static/
Alias /media/ /var/www/django/mysite/media/

<Directory /var/www/django/mysite>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

<Directory /var/www/django/mysite/media>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

<Directory /var/www/django/mysite/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all


read more on: multiple django sites with apache & mod_wsgi



That’s it!


You’ve Python / Django installed on your Centos 6.4 and a new project template waiting for you to work on.


Continue reading…

* this article is an edited version of an older article.

Larry Reloaded Walkthrough – Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded 2013.

Larry Reloaded Walkthrough – Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded 2013.

Warning: spoiler Alert!

Larry 2013 – Larry Reloaded Walkthrough – Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded Walkthrough:


Continue to read the Larry Reloaded Walkthrough ….


Larry Reloaded Walkthrough

Larry Reloaded Walkthrough

Larry Reloaded Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded 2013.

Lefty’s Bar 

  • Open the door to enter and sit on the chair. Talk to the bartender and order Whiskey ($5.00).
  • Go through the entrance to the back. Give the whiskey to the drunk for his coaster.
  • Flip (Use) the coaster inside your invetory to find a number (7-24-46)
  • Take the rose. Open the door to enter the toilet.
  • In the toilet: take the ring from the sink. Turn on the hot water to reveal the password on the window.
  • Go to the other door in the bar and knock. Use the password on the door to get access.


  • Take the remote.
  • Use the coaster-with-the-code to open the safe in the top right corner.

  • Take a battery-operated-personal-massage-device from the safe.
  • Open the battery-operated-device on your inventory and take the batteries out. You need to try about 4 times before it will eventually open.

  • Use the batteries in the remote and use the remote on the TV.
  • Use it again seven more times to get the pimps attention.

  • Go upstairs.


  • Take the candy and open the window to get onto the balcony.
  • Walk left to fall into the dumpster. You will find a a hammer.
  • Walk to the front of the bar. If you see the guy with the barrel, buy an apple from him. If he is not there he will show up later here or in another place.
  • Call a taxi (use the sign) and enter it.
  • Talk to the driver and select the Casino. Use your wallet to pay and exit the cab.


Casino – Caesar’s Phallus

  • Go inside and make around $500 in Blackjack or Slots. (easy using save/load)
  • At the 2nd screen, pick up the pass in the ashtray.
  • Go right and sit down inside the cabaret. Take the tank of helium. Sit down when the comedian is around. You may need to go out and return if the comedian is not there.
  • Go to the Buffet. Clean the table of spilled food (Outside the fixtures). Once you complete this task you will get a bottle of Hot Sauce.
  • Go out of the Cabaret. Take the elevator to the 7th floor.

    Take the coveralls out of the bushes.

  • Use the hand on the coveralls to get the golden key.

  • Use the elevator to go back to the 1th floor and l

    eave the casino.

  • Walk right to “Weddin’ Ready”.



Weddin’ Ready – Wedding Chapel

  • Take a jasmine blossom from the bush.
  • Call a cab and get in. Talk to the driver and select the Come ‘n’ go Store. Use your wallet to pay and exit the cab.



“Come ‘n’ Go” Convenient Store

  • Use at the payphone and note the number. Call the number 555-6969 and answer the questions however you like. call also 555-1234.
  • Go inside the convenient store. Look at the magazine rack and take one.
  • Go towards the back and take a carton of wine. Pay for these items.
  • Use the sign in front of the clerk and he’ll offer you choices of lubbers (You can answer any of the questions about the size, flavor, etc). Pay for it.
  • Go outside. Give the bum the wine as exchange for a knife. If he doesn’t show up, go into the store and out until he does.
  • Read the magazine.
  • Go right to the Club 69.



Club 69

  • Show the pass to the bouncer to get inside.
  • Talk to the  lady on the right in blue named Fawn:
  • Introduce yourself.  /  Learn her name. “Fawn”  /  Learn more about her.  /  Lets leave  /  Gotta run… have things to find.
  • Give her the rose, ring, candy and finally money/wallet. She’ll leave so leave as well.
  • Take a taxi to the Wedding Chapel again. 


Weddin’ Ready – Wedding Chapel

  • Talk to the “flasher” while you stand in front of him/them.
  • Open the chapel door to get married.
  • Give your wallet to her so she can pay the $100 for the certificate.
  • Once the ceremony is over… Exit and go west to the casino again.


Casino – Caesar’s Phallus

  • Enter the casino and go into the elevator at the back. Use it to get to the 4th floor.
  • Use breath spray and enter the honeymoon suite with the heart at the door.
  • Tune on the radio several times and wait for the commercial (555-8039 service) to finish.
  • Go down the elevator to the first floor and call a taxi at the entrance.
  • Enter it and tell the driver you want to go to the Convenient Store, pay and exit.



“Come ‘n’ Go” Convenient Store

  • Use the phone and call 555-8039 to order wine.
  • Call another taxi, get in and head back to the Casino, pay and exit.



Casino – Caesar’s Phallus

  • Go back up to the fourth floor and into the honeymoon suite.
  • Grab the wine to pour 2 glasses. Then touch Fawn for some foreplay and then talk to her.
  • After the rumble, use the knife on yourself to get free.
  • Grab the cord (rope) afterwards as well.
  • Combine one short cord to the other short cord together.
  • Now you only have $5 so go to the casino and make enough for 2 more taxi fares ($50 ought to do it).  If you forgot to save and lost all your money, try going outside to get a bit of cash from a passer by.


The Pool

  • Take the lift to the 2th floor.Enter the private room, using the golden key.
    It will take you to the swimming pool.
  • Talk to the lady.Her name is Jasmine.
  • After you talked for a while you will learn she needs new perfume… something fresh.
  • Exit the conversation
  • Exit the pool area and come back in, using the key.
  • Now you will be with he whale. Take a squib from the basket. Use the hot sauce on the whale
  • Take the ambergris from the water.
  • Put the jasmine flower into the bottle.
  • Put the ambergris into the bottle.
  • Outside, call a cab and drive to Lefty’s Bar. Pay and exit.


Lefty’s Bar

  • Go inside and buy Vodka. Add the vodka to the perfume bottle.
  • knock at the right door again. Use the password to get in and go up the stairs.
  • use the hand on yourself to remove the clothes. Use the condom on yourself.
  • Use the hand on the bed to start censored scene.
  • When you are finished, Click on yourself to remove the condom.  (If you forget this step, the police will chase you later…and you will return to this point)
  • touch yourself to get dressed. Go outside the window. Here, tie the mixed short cord to the fire escape on the right.
  • Click on yourself to secure the other end to Larry.
  • Use the hammer on the window at the bottom right to get the Spanish fly pills.
  • Walk left to drop down and exit the dumpster.
  • At the front of the bar, call the last taxi in this game and head to your final destination: The Casino. Pay and exit.



  • You need to find the cat. If the cat is not here, go right.  If still not there go left…
  • Give the squib to the cat and you will then extract some cat gland fluid.
  • Add the civet into the bottle.Now the bottle of perfume is ready!.
  •  go to the 2nd floor, and open the Private Room with the golden key.
  • Give the bottle to Jasmine. After she chase you away, go back in. The locker will be open.
    Take the latex repair kit from the locker.



  • Go to the 8th floor.
  • Talk to the lady standing behind the counter. Give her the pills and press the button on the counter after she has left. Enter the elevator you have just opened.
  • Go left to the bedroom and open the closet. You will get a doll.
  • Fix the doll using the latex repair kit.
  • Go out. Enter the sliding door on the right.
  • Inflate the doll with helium.
  • Squeeze her a bit and then exit so the wind can take you off..
  • Talk to the lady. Her name is Eve.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Talk about clothing.
  • Remind her of your spectacular entrance
  • “It’s like bathing in bubbly”
  • Keep going until you hear “Why don’t you slip into this water…”
    Then exit the conversation and click yourself to strip off (do it again) and jump in…
  • Give Eve the apple and watch the ending.


You have finished the Larry Reloaded Walkthrough!

Enjoy! And thank you Kick-Starters!.

I’ve hope the Larry Reloaded Walkthrough helped you.

That’s It! Larry Reloaded Walkthrough

Jinja2 vs Tenjin: Why I moved (back) from Jinja2 to Tenjin

Jinja2 vs Tenjin: The Story

I started a new project: for learning purposes: to learn python gevent api and to implement a simple server – with Authentication & Websockets.

First thing after handling routings and starting server with the famous ‘hello, world!’ message was to find a suitable Framework, if any.

After a search I found Bottle which I think is amazing microframework. Flask was also great, but I loved the idea of a microframework without template engine so I could choose my own.

As I worked with many Template engines in many different languages and environments (.NET/Ruby/Node.js/Python/PHP/and more). I know I can handle any syntax, so the first thing I’ve looked for is the fastest Python template engine.

I’ve choosed to try Tenjin, It worked great, looked bad. the syntax was messy, there was that .cache file near my.pyhtml files… But it worked great and FAST!

I’ve got to admit that SpitFire catched me, and I’d choose it for several reasons:

  • Really FAST!!
  • Trivial Cheetah templates will probably compile in Spitfire

But as I ‘m not using Cheetah and the Languages support Tenjin offers – for me It is Winning case for Tenjin.


Jinja2 vs Tenjin

I decided to try more template engine, slower – but friendly : Jinja2.

Tenjin syntax , which was somewhat ugly, and Jinja2 was just beautirful, and reminds me Django’s and Twig which I like… So, I;ve decided to try Jinja2 and to feel the difference.

Found no problems there, Jinja2 was working great, and the .html files are looking great in compare to Tenjin,.. more readable, no .cache file – and .html instead of .pyhtml. I’ve choosed to stick with Jinja2… for now…..

…meanwhile.. on another project I’m working on in Django, I’ve tried to implement Googles AngularJS and found my self in a very bad situation. the AngluarJS Template Engine was similar to Django’s one! There are several solutions and fixes for this, some are really messy but I fixed it… and I’ve learned a very important lesson… Templates engines used today in both sides: both client & server, and this should be taken into consideration when choosing template engines.

The true title of this article should be: Why I moved from Tenjin to Jinja2 and why I moved from Jinja2 to Tenjin again..

As Jinja is very similar to Django (and angular) I found my self thinking about Tenjin again…

  • It’s faster then Jinja.. it’s faster then most teamplte engines!.. ,
  • it support many languages which make the project more trasferable and convertable between servers (Supports PHP, Perl, Ruby & Python).
  • It supports JS templating – wchich I haven’t tried yet,
  • It’s different then the mainstream template engines with {{ }} and {*  *} so mixing Template engines with client side template engines should be safer.



I know it’s not a classical -vs- article which compares between features, and there is a lot to cover in the topic of jinja2 vs tenjin and the feautres of both,.. I choosed to wrote instead on my view and decisions… what made me go back to Tenjin and leave Jinja 2 behind.. This is my story of Jinja2 vs Tenjin… In my case, Tenjin won, but I MUST say that Jinja2 is GREAT!, also: SpitFire, Mako Template, Cheetah, Genshi & others… as always: each tool for different task… It’s your call…



I learned about Jinja2 inheritance feature which is missing in Tenjin. If you need Template Inheritance go for Tenjin (or other).


What do you think? Which Python Template engine do you use? and why?

the program can’t start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer

the program can’t start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer

Solution to “the program can’t start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer” error.

the program can't start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer

This file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable which can easily be downloaded on the Microsoft website as x86 or x64 edition:


Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package

Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package for (X86)

Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Packager for (x64)


Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)


Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package for (x64)


Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)


Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package


Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package

Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package


Usually the application that misses the dll indicates what version you need – if one does not work, simply install other.